How Mindset Affects Your Life

How Mindset Affects Your Life

There are a vast amount of people that i hear ask stupid and obvious questions. I hear a lot of “I don't know why im just not motivated” or “I wish i could work like that” or “I don't know what i want to do yet im just waiting for an opportunity”. These things can even be said by very intelligent people, but they always miss the mindset and underestimate how much it really affects you and your life. I believe there are three major skills that impact your life as a whole and let you be successful in anything you do. Those three things are work ethic, self discipline and mindset. You can work your ass off daily but not build anything after a week. You can have the mindset but have no self discipline to get you anywehere. If you can achieve all three and compact them together you can do anything you dream of. 

This quote from google explains the word mindset. “Mindset -- a strong and positive one -- is essential to developing healthy self-esteem. It is an important tool that affects our daily self-dialogue and reinforces our most intimate beliefs, attitudes and feelings about ourselves”. The mindset is that finishing touch, it helps with your motivation and what allows you to dream and look ahead while working and having the motivation and work ethic to achieve that. Another problem is people don't know how to get the mindset and struggle without it to go out and find it. Danielle Bernock quotes ” To build healthy mindsets and replace the negative ones, you need to take ownership of the negative that is there without excuses and replace it with positive — intentionally”. One of the first steps to that is to genuinely judge yourself and look at all weak spots and negative points. Figure out how to change those and make it beneficial towards you and consistently work on that every day. Start trying to make every aspect positive and or beneficial towards your life. This may take longer than you are comfortable with but doing what you're not comfortable doing is the start of it all. You'll realize that you're becoming better every day and actually moving forward each day.

Once you get past that first point and start getting comfortable with that uncomfortable feeling you'll fall in love with it. You will see the good it does for you and start chasing that feeling. You should then use that motivation to learn new things and start building. Whether you're building your skills, a business, a portfolio, education, or even working out, just understand that on a daily basis you need to accomplish something that will put you that much farther. If you lay a brick down a day after a couple months you'll have a wall. The mindset almost opens you up to a new world and you realize everything you want to accomplish in life and it essentially brings you there the harder you work on it. 

It is very important though to maintain the mindset. People can pick up the mindset quickly on occasions but are also very fast to lose it. This is where self-discipline comes in. Self discipline keeps you alert and on your toes and makes sure you stick with all the new habits and new ways of life you've started making an effort to build. One way to ensure this is where your motivation comes from, if it's something consistent and if you can control it. Some people need music to pump them up at the gym. So what happens when they forget headphones or their phones die. There is constant maintenance but that constant maintenance also takes you farther by day. If you can ensure that you yourself control all your motivation and mindset there is nothing that can mess that up except you. You are in total control and you keep that going as long as you desire. This will take you all the way till you die and again ensure your growing every day.

I repeat, if you can achieve mindset and build from there you can succeed in anything. Mindset is what pushes you to learn and accomplish new things. Mindset is at your side every single day and working day by day builds big things. Mindset is one of the most important skills to learn in life, and genuinely I believe it's the most impactful tool for you and your life goals and most dreamt dreams.

-Jacob Patterson